Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
DrPawanKumarUNNATEEIndiaExcellence in Plant Research
MrPasan DinethWeerasingheUniversity of PerugiaItalyBest Researcher Award
DrPankajkumarJainR C Patel Institute of Pharmacy, Shirpur Dist-Dhule (MS) 425405IndiaExcellence in Plant Research
Mspamelamwikaliuniversity of EldoretKenyaBest Researcher Award
DrOm PrakashGuptaICAR-indian institute of wheat and Barley researchIndiaOutstanding Scientist Award
DrOMPRAKASHHorticulture DepartmentIndiaPlant Biodiversity Conservation Award
DrNikkiChandaNational Institute of Technology, JamshedpurIndiaBest Researcher Award
MrNigusieKebedeAmbo UniversityEthiopiaBest Researcher Award
DrNeeravSharmaIIT RoorkeeIndiaBest Researcher Award
DrNaveenChandra PandeyBotany Department, D.S.B. Campus, Kumaun University, NainitalIndiaExcellence in Plant Research
Prof. DrNanYaoSun Yat-sen UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. DrNaeemAbbasKing Saud UniversitySaudi ArabiaBest Researcher Award
DrNabilaAminShenzhen UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrNabilKillinyUniversity of Florida, Citrus Research and Education CenterUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
DrMUNTARADZIMATIVAVARIRAMarondera University of Agricultural Sciences and TechnologyZimbabweBest Researcher Award
DrMuniRajaRythu Sadhikara Samstha (RySS), GunturIndiaBest Researcher Award
DrMuhammad ZeeshanBhattiNational University of Medical SciencesPakistanBest Researcher Award
ProfMuhammadHilalSejong UniversitySouth KoreaBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. DrMuhammadYasinGomal UniversityPakistanBest Researcher Award
ProfMouniaENNAMIIAV Hassan IIMoroccoBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Award Winners