Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Prof. DrIgorAraújoUniversidade do Estado de Mato GrossoBrazilExcellence in Plant Ecology
Prof. DrKin Lam KenYungThe Education University of Hong KongHong KongBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrChaoZhouShandong Agricultural universityChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrAgnieszkaKiełkowskaUniversity Of Agriculture In KrakowPolandExcellence in Plant Research
Prof. DrRamendra KumarSinghUniversity of AllahabadIndiaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrAbiodunAdebayoCovenant UniversityNigeriaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrRongKeShanghai University of International Business and EconomicsChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrVaishaliThakkarAnand Pharmacy CollegeIndiaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrJUDITH YAMILEORTEGA CONTRERASFrancisco de Paula Santander University in CúcutaColombiaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrXinjianShiHenan UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrNanYaoSun Yat-sen UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DryingguoyangFudan UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrAnanditaSinghTERI School of Advanced StudiesIndiaBreakthroughs in Crop Science
Prof. DrdavidcoldwellWitsSouth AfricaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrJorgeVillafañeUniversidad Europea de MadridSpainBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrRubenGowricharnVrije UniversiteitNetherlandsBest Scholar Award
ProfDanTongTsinghua UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
ProfABDELMAJIDHADDIOUISultan Moulay Slimane UniversityMoroccoBest Researcher Award
Profghorbanhanadan universityIranBest Researcher Award
ProfManjulDhimanK L DAV PG College, UniversityIndiaBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Award Winners