Ariel Paracampo | Ecology | Best Paper Award

Dr. Ariel Paracampo | Ecology | Best Paper Award

ILPLA | Argentina

Author Profile




Ariel Hernán Paracampo, born on September 16, 1981, in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, laid the foundation of his academic journey at the National University of La Plata (UNLP). He earned his degree in Biology, specializing in Zoology, in 2008. Demonstrating a profound interest in aquatic ecosystems, he pursued a doctorate in Natural Sciences, culminating in his groundbreaking thesis titled “Toxicity of Pesticides, Fish Assemblages, and Their Relationship with Limnological Characteristics in Pampean Streams” in 2013.


Dr. Paracampo’s professional career is rooted in research and education. He has held various academic roles, including positions as an assistant and lecturer at the UNLP, contributing to courses such as Vertebrate Zoology and Aquatic Morphology and Physiology. His research has been conducted at the prestigious Institute of Limnology Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet (ILPLA), focusing on the ecological integrity of aquatic ecosystems.


Ariel Hernán Paracampo’s work revolves around:

  • The impact of agrochemicals on aquatic biodiversity.
  • Investigating the functional and taxonomic diversity of fish assemblages.
  • Developing strategies for the rehabilitation and management of Pampean floodplains and streams.

His projects, funded by organizations like CONICET and the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Productive Innovation, have significantly advanced our understanding of aquatic ecosystem health and biodiversity conservation.


Dr. Paracampo’s research has influenced policy and conservation practices, particularly in the management of aquatic ecosystems in Argentina. His findings on pesticide toxicity and ecological modeling have provided actionable insights for mitigating human-induced environmental impacts.


Dr. Paracampo has authored numerous research articles in peer-reviewed journals. His work spans topics such as:

  • Limnological studies.
  • The role of aquatic habitats in biodiversity conservation.
  • Fish ecology and assemblage dynamics.


  • Multiple CONICET scholarships for initiation, postgraduate, and postdoctoral research.
  • Awards for his contributions to limnology and aquatic ecology.


As a leader in aquatic ecology, Dr. Paracampo’s legacy lies in his unwavering commitment to environmental preservation. His future endeavors promise to deepen our understanding of aquatic ecosystems and drive sustainable management practices.


Dr. Ariel Hernán Paracampo exemplifies dedication to ecological research, bridging scientific understanding with actionable solutions for environmental challenges. His tireless efforts continue to inspire students, researchers, and policymakers alike.


Horticultural land use effect on fish assemblages in Neotropical lowland streams, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Authors: Paredes del Puerto, J.M., Mugni, H., Cappelletti, N., Bonetto, C., Paracampo, A.
  • Journal: Aquatic Sciences
  • Year: 2024
Extreme drought conditions interact with urbanisation, affecting hydrological regimes and water quality in temperate lowland streams
  • Authors: Paredes del Puerto, J.M., Sathicq, M.B., Altieri, P., Gómez, N., Colautti, D.
  • Journal: Aquatic Sciences
  • Year: 2024
Effects of urban demand for food and water on physicochemicals and biotic structure of riverine wetlands in the Pampean plain
  • Authors: Gómez, N., Siri, A., Capítulo, L.R., Sathicq, M.B., Catanzaro, L.N.S.R.
  • Journal: Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology
  • Year: 2022
Freshwater fishes of the Río de la Plata: current assemblage structure
  • Authors: Maiztegui, T., Paracampo, A.H., Liotta, J., Bonetto, C., Colautti, D.C.
  • Journal: Neotropical Ichthyology
  • Year: 2022
Impacts of land use and hydrological alterations on water quality and fish assemblage structure in headwater Pampean streams (Argentina)
  • Authors: Paredes del Puerto, J.M., García, I.D., Maiztegui, T., Maroñas, M.E., Colautti, D.C.
  • Journal: Aquatic Sciences
  • Year: 2022
Fish assemblages and water quality in pampean streams (Argentina) along an urbanization gradient
  • Authors: Paredes del Puerto, J.M., Paracampo, A.H., García, I.D., Maroñas, M.E., Colautti, D.C.
  • Journal: Hydrobiologia
  • Year: 2021